Articles by La Prensa
Friends Clash in County Special Election
Democrats and labor unions split between three candidates to replace Nora Vargas.
PERSPECTIVE: County Should Call a Special Election
South Bay voters should get to choose their elected representative.
PERSPECTIVE: Vargas Resignation Sparks Political Musical Chairs
Politicos already jockeying for a seat that rarely becomes vacant.
Lawsuit Claims SD Violated Surveillance Policy
City continues using cameras and drones without following disclosure policy.
USS Midway Hides Free Public Access for Viewing Bay
Public has mostly been kept in the dark about free access to view San Diego Bay.
Sanders to Retire from SD Chamber of Commerce
His long history of public service spans more than 50 years.
Gloria Dismissed Proposal for Free Sports Arena
Mayor instead chose largest campaign donor for taxpayer-subsidized project.
CV Submits “Unsatisfactory” Document in Drone Lawsuit
Judge reprimands City for typos and errors in video records log.
Gloria had 5 to 1 Campaign Funding Advantage
Monied special interests heavily favored incumbent Mayor against challenger.
Union Sends Misleading Mailer in CV Council Race
October surprise could upset local City Council campaign.