La prensa

Community Notes:

Created: 30 Oct, 2009
Updated: 20 Apr, 2022
5 min read

What You Should Know Before we go San Diego’s Unfinished Revolution

By John P. Falchi

 Carrol Waymon came to San Diego in September of 1964 to become Executive Director of the Citizens’ Interracial Committee (CIC). He, and the group of Hispanic, Black and White leaders working with him accomplished a great deal to reduce the tremendous amount of discrimination that existed in all aspects of life during the five years in which  the CIC was in existence from 1964 – 1969. On November 7, 2009 we will be celebrating the 40th Reunion of the CIC It will take place from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 7, 2009, at Neighborhood House, 5660 Copley Dr., San Diego, CA 92111.

 Former Sheriff Bill Kolender will kick it off at 2:00 p.m. Dr. Carrol Waymon, an outspoken figure in the San Diego community during the five years of the CIC’s existence, and since then, will be honored for his leadership. Participants in panel and round table discussions include Bob Matthew, one of the first black principals in the San Diego City Schools, Clara Harris, a leader in advancing open housing and human relations, Gracia Molina de Pick, and Frank Saiz, noted community activists, along with many others who were instrumental in the success of the CIC.  Students from local high schools will participate as respondents to the panel. This will culminate in a Dinner and Youth Spotlight at 5:30 p.m. It will be $40 a person, but scholarships will also be available.

What goes around, comes around

Clementa This is such an inspirational story that keeps our Ladies Auxiliary in the lime-light of success to carry on our Duties in our Organization. Sister, Clementa Esparaza (left) in 1975-1976 held Office of, “Don Diego VFW Post 7420 Ladies Auxiliary “Mighty First District President.”

 As shown in the picture, after thirty-three years Sister Clem is passing the Gavel to her Daughter, Rosanna Esparza-Vasquez (right) who now holds the Office of the” Mighty First District President,” 2009-2010.


Story written by: Chaplain, Olivia J. DeLaRosa-Solomon

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Harvest Festival at Waldorf School

 The Waldorf School of San Diego invites you and your family to attend our annual Harvest Festival and Craft Faire on November 7th from 11 am to 4 pm.  Free admission and live music. Natural handcrafts for purchase. Nominal ticket fee for games, kids’ crafts, petting zoo, puppet show, food and much, much more!  3547 Altadena Ave. San Diego, 92105  619-280-8016

Shop ‘Till You Drop’ for Student Scholarship Progam

 Join The Bishop’s School at Bloomingdale’s of Fashion Valley for the third annual “Shop ‘till you Drop” day of shopping Wednesday, November 18, 2009. Ten percent of the day’s receipts turned in on behalf of Bishop’s benefit need-based scholarships and faculty enrichment. Bloomingdale’s is located at 7057 Friars Rd., San Diego. Advance reservations are not required and the public is welcome to attend.
 For tickets/reservations call 619-298-3162.

Poster Competition!

San Diego Latino Film Festival Poster Competition Call for Entries

 Media Arts Center San Diego is now accepting submissions for our new Film Festival Poster Competition.

 For submission forms on the internet:

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 For the first time, the Festival is putting a call out to artists and graphic designers for its annual poster artwork. Artists and Designers are encouraged to submit work for the Film Festival Poster Competition by November 25, 2009.

 The competition is open to all artists and graphic designers, and all submissions must be received by the deadline of November 25, 2009 at 5:00pm. There is no limit to the number of submissions entered. In honor of our inaugural year of Festival Poster Competition, there is no entry fee. Entries will be accepted from individuals, collaborative teams, or design firms.

 If your poster design is selected, you will win $1,000 and your design will contribute the look of the Festival by appearing on Festival posters, invitations, t-shirts, and much more, providing significant and immeasurable exposure to your artwork/design. Finalists will be announced in mid-December, and the winning poster will be revealed in January 2010 in San Diego. All posters that advance to the final round will be exhibited during the 2010 San Diego Latino Film Festival, March 11-21, 2010.

 For further information, please contact Media Arts Center San Diego at (619) 230-1938 or visit

First Time Homebuyer Education Class

 WHAT: The Neighborhood House Association’s Housing Counseling program is hosting a First Time Homebuyer Education Class to provide first time homebuyers with the knowledge and confidence needed when purchasing their first home.

 This class fulfills the requirement for potential buyers to utilize government assistance programs such as the down payment, closing costs and shared equity programs.

 Guests must pre-register by calling 619-263-7761 x139 or emailing to obtain a seat. There is a $35 registration fee per household.

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 WHERE: Neighborhood House Association’s Social Services location at 841 South 41st St., San Diego, CA 92113.  WHEN: Saturday, November 7, 2009, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Advocates of a Single Payer Health Care System To Hold a 45-Hour Candlelight Vigil in Front of Blue Cross

 What: A forty-five hour candlelight vigil symbolizing the 45,000 deaths linked to our current health care system dominated by insurance companies will be held from Halloween night to the Day of the Dead.

 When: Saturday, October 31 at 10:00 p.m. through Monday, November 2 at 6:00 p.m. Starting with a Prayer Service at 10:00 p.m. on Halloween, Saturday, October 31st. Ending with a rally at 6:00 p.m. on the Day of the Dead, Monday, November 2nd. A 45-hour candlelight vigil will taking place during the entire time.

 Where: Blue Shield (Blue Cross) of California offices in Mission Valley 2275 Rio Bonito Way, San Diego, CA 92108.

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