Groundbreaking International Health Fair
Groundbreaking International Health Fair will be held in City Heights on April 27 to bring much needed services to San Diego’s most ethnically diverse neighborhood. More than 15 booths will provide free health screenings, health and wellness resources, and a sampling of alternative treatments. Zumba and aerobic classes, plus a variety of children’s activities, will round out the event at Colina del Sol Park.
San Diego 9th District Councilwoman Marti Emerald is scheduled to inaugurate the fair, the first of its kind in the neighborhood.
City Heights is home to 80,0000 residents, many of whom are immigrants from Latin America, Africa and Asia. The fair will provide free health services in Spanish, Somali and Vietnamese in the low-income neighborhood, where many residents have difficulty accessing health care because of language barriers.
“This will be the first time multi-language health resources are brought into the neighborhood,” states Katia Rodriguez, the event’s coordinator. “We look forward to serving our multi-cultural neighbors’ health needs not only this year, but also in the years to come.”
The fair is part of the Neighborhoods First Initiative, supported by Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and Asociación de Liderazgo Comunitario (Community Leadership Association or ALC).
Among the organizations participating in the fair are: Braille Institute, The Remedy Garden, Somali Family Services, American Red Cross, CAL OSHA, Union of Pan Asian Communities, Environmental Health Coalition, La Maestra, 211 Centers, HHSA, Star Pal, The Employee Rights Center and The International Rescue Committee.
WHEN: April 27, 10 AM 2 PM
WHERE: Colina del Sol Park, 54th Street and Orange Avenue, San Diego, CA 92115