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The Late Great California Republican Party

Created: 03 Dec, 2010
Updated: 13 Sep, 2023
4 min read


Ron Nehring, California Republican State Chairman, September 22, 2010

   Ron Nehring – California Republican State Chairman – dramatically called his Republican troops to the sound of the November guns with these words. Unfortunately for him on Election Day he was alone with no one and no money behind him just his words.

   The November 2nd election was a disaster for the California Republican Party. Unlike the historically successful Republican Party in 49 other states with victories by hundreds of new state legislative candidates, more than five dozen congressional victories over Democrat incumbents, new governorships and U.S. Senate gains, California Republicans were wiped out for every statewide office from Governor on down to the state’s bookkeeper, Controller.

   Republicans lost statewide for three distinct reasons: (1) Few Election Day troops on the ground, (2) rejection of and by Hispanics and (3) a broke state Republican Party led by a scandal-plagued and inept Party Chairman who destroyed what was once the most powerful political party west of New York.

   Given that the state’s first Democrat Governor was elected for only one term in 1938 (88 years after California became a state), the second in 1958, the third in 1974 and last 20th century Democrat governor in 1998 who was recalled, the state that produced Republican giants in Governors Romauldo Pacheco, Hiram Johnson, Earl Warren, Ronald Reagan and President Richard Nixon, did not elect a single Republican statewide in 2010.


   Nehring personally spent the Party into semi-poverty. He drained precious Party resources with expensive hotels, luxury rental cars and, more importantly, falling short on fund raising by driving away donors who refused to finance his Five Star luxury lifestyle and upside down Party balance sheets. Immediately prior to the 2008 Presidential elections, for example, the Party owed more than it had and was out by an Orange County millionaire. It has lived on borrowed money since.

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   Neither Governor Schwarzenegger nor President George W. Bush bothered to raise a cent for Nehring which led to the State Party slashing its traditional cash supplements to County parties at election time for more ground troops.

   Nehring put the Party in “Harm’s Way” by hiring two illegal aliens, Canadian Christopher Mathews and Australian Michael Kambrowski to high party posts despite their illegal status to work. Mathews was originally a NAFTA hire for Nehring’s San Diego Party. At the state level, he hired Mathews to work as State Political Director while Mathews kept working for the San Diego Party, which violated his work visa. Mathews was working illegally under Nehring’s auspices. The Bush Administration canceled the Nehring-sponsored visa.

   Kambrowski’s hiring was even worse. Kambrowski arrived from Australia on a tourist visa not a work permit or visa. The tourist visa expired. Twice he organized fraudulent “Green Card” marriages with American women but the efforts failed and he was ordered deported by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). He was jailed when he ignored the order. Kambrowski claims to have a Green Card but no one, including State Party Chairman Ron Nehring has ever seen it as required by federal law.

   Nehring’s hiring of two illegal alien white men is fascinating in light of the fact that he personally enabled a national racist to promulgate her lies and hatred of Mexicans at official Republican Party functions giving her the Party’s imprimatur. Her name: “Dr.” Madeline P. Cosman; she was not a medical doctor – her doctorate was in Literature. She was the source in Lou Dobbs’ famous invited departure from CNN. She provided false and untrue information to his CNN show that Dobbs subscribed to in his nightly rant about illegals and he “guaranteed” its accuracy.

   The lie: that, illegal aliens from Mexico brought 7,000 cases of leprosy into the U.S. in recent months and years. The truth, illegal aliens were not involved; the 7,000 cases occurred over thirty years. Nehring featured her at official Party functions.

   On this record of hiring two illegal alien men, extravagant spending of Party money, of ripping off Republican candidates with an 18.5% “overhead” fee, of destroying a Party ground game, of compiling an upside-down Party balance sheet and of consciously directing the Party to officially nurture hatred of Mexicans (40% of California’s population and 20% of its registered voters) and of leading the entire statewide Republican ticket to resounding defeat, Chairman Nehring has announced a campaign for Treasurer of the Republican National Committee.

   To paraphrase famous philosopher Yogi Berra, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it Republican Party, take it with care, much care.”

Contreras’ books at Amazon’s Kindle Books – (1) Drug Cartel Novel, “JUNIORS,” (2) A Hispanic View: White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) Racism & Hatred of Mexicans…(3) A Hispanic View: The 2008 Presidential Campaign & Candidate Barack Obama…(4) A Hispanic View: Hollywood, Berkas and Abayas…(5) The State of Arizona vs. The United States of America

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