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San Diego Lowriders Go Global

Created: 27 Feb, 2015
Updated: 13 Sep, 2023
2 min read

Car Club members hitting the road for Japan, from left to right standing row: Rick Alvarez, Francisco Aguilar, Jose Arreguin, Francisco Zamudio Jr, Juan Reyes, Francisco Zamudio Sr, David Crosswaite. Sitting from left to right: Rigo Reyes, Ray Ulloa, Raul Robledo, Manuel Arellano, Victor Cordero
Car Club members hitting the road for Japan, from left to right standing row: Rick Alvarez, Francisco Aguilar, Jose Arreguin, Francisco Zamudio Jr, Juan Reyes, Francisco Zamudio Sr, David Crosswaite. Sitting from left to right: Rigo Reyes, Ray Ulloa, Raul Robledo, Manuel Arellano, Victor Cordero

On March 8, 2015 – San Diego Lowriders will participate in the Classic Legends Lowrider and Kustom Car Show in Port Messe Nagoya, Japan.

Billed as one of the largest indoor Car Show venue in the world, Amigos San Diego Car Club, the oldest active Lowrider Car Club in San Diego County, in addition to The Worldwide Tribal Clique and Ranflista is proud to send a delegation of close to thirty San Diego representatives.

“For us, it is an honor to be included as part of this venue, and we look forward to exploring and understanding the reasons as to the attraction to our culture,” say Amigos’ President Ray Ulloa. A 1936 Dodge by the name of Cimarrón owned by Club member Rafael Palacios, and a Harley Davidson Deluxe (“El Revolucionario”) owned by Rick Raa Alvarez of Ranflista will accompany the group representing the San Diego Lowrider Community.

Car Club Amigos ready for Port Messe Nagoya, Japan.
Car Club Amigos ready for Port Messe Nagoya, Japan.

Over the years, Lowriding has become an International sensation. This uniquely Chicano art form has now been introduced into many places around the world. “Forty years ago, we would have never dreamt of something like this happening says Amigos’ co-founder Rigo Reyes. For several years now, the Car Culture of Japan has slowly adopted Lowriding as part of their own identity, and it is now considered one of Japan’s most popular sports.

For Bobby Ruiz from Tribal, both the technical skills and quality of the Japanese Lowrider has improved over the years and is now on par with Lowriders imagined and built in the United States, including San Diego and the borderlands. As Oryu Oreo, the main promoter of the Japanese Car Show affirms,” We have been lowriding for thirty years in Japan and now know how to build lowrider with our own style.”

Amigos Car Club agreed to participate in order to share and interact with Lowrider enthusiast and educate them as to the origins and history of this tradition.

As Reyes affirms, “Through this invitation, we will interact and learn from each other, with the understanding that for us, lowriders is not a sport or a fad, it is a way of life – it is who we truly are.”

For Amigos Car Club and the entire San Diego Delegation, this represents the first of many opportunities to collaborate with others outside of the United States with the objective of educating others about Chicana and Chicano cultures and with a reminder that “low-n-slow” is the way to go, regardless of where you are from and where you live in the world!

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