La prensa

Tezozomoc Speaks

Created: 10 July, 2009
Updated: 20 April, 2022
3 min read


The CDA (Chicano Democratic Association) came out with their early endorsements for the 2010 elections. Hijole hombres … this is way beyond early, candidates don’t even file their papers for City of San Diego until February 2010 (tezzy made a boo boo in the printed version with filing date, said it was June, but the point is still the same); you guys are like a year ahead of yourselves. How can you compare and contrast the candidates when you don’t even know who is in the race??? Now, what are you going to do for the rest of the year??? You know there is some value in holding back your endorsements to address issues, wrangle support, and build enthusiasm for the group…..

 In case you are wondering the CDA endorsed David Alvarez for City of San Diego district 8 and Mary Salas, candidate for State Senate.

 US Census Bureau making the rounds letting us know that it is important to return census forms in starting in February… They are making the forms much simpler and easier to fill out… and they don’t ask if you are a legal resident. They say it is muy importante that you are counted so that you receive the money for the services you deserve and need.

 On the other hand the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders are calling for a boycott of the census count… they want action on the immigration issue and are using the census count as their foil to raise the issue to the national level.

Nativo Lopez president of MAPA is a part of the boycott effort but he will have a hard time following through after being charged with four felonies by the LA DA – fraudulent voter registration, fraudulent document filing, perjury, and fraudulent voting.  This is the second brush with the law regarding a voting issue. In 1997, the Orange County district attorney opened a criminal investigation into allegations that a group in which Lopez was a leader registered some clients to vote before they took the oath of citizenship. No charges were brought.

 City of Chula Vista bending over backwards to keep developer Jim Pieri happy these days. Pieri who is building the Gateway complex on the corner of the 3rd and H was recently given a break by the city on the time frame to complete the third phase which was to be completed in ’08 has now been extended to 2014. In the meantime Chula Vista has paid Pieri $5.5 million to develop the corner???? And the city still owes him something like $1.8 million. So if you wonder why the city is broke this might be a good place to look.

 Pieri also got a break from the city by changing the terms of the agreement. The Gateway was to have a first class restaurant on the ground floor such as a Donovan’s or something top rate, but the City changed the plans, so there will be no restaurant. Hasn’t that always been a big issue with downtown Chula Vista – no quality restaurant in the city, and now to give up on this???? Just doesn’t make sense… but then yo soy solamente un peón.

 Days without a budget: 10. I sure hope none of the politicians in Sacramento plan on running for office any time soon. After this debacle with the budget, throughout the whole year, is just down right embarrassing!!!

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