La prensa

Tuesday, Nov. 19 is Election Day

Created: 15 November, 2013
Updated: 26 July, 2022
2 min read


We have devoted countless editorials and commentaries on the importance of voting! It does not matter for whom or what issue you vote, the important point is to get out and VOTE!

As a community, one of the great ways to create change and hold politicians accountable to our causes and issues is through the ballot box.

A good example is in Escondido where despite the growth and population of Hispanics in that city, now 50% of the city’s population, the city has passed some of the most draconian ant-Hispanic laws in the nation. This situation will change with the advent of district elections which will become a part of their election process next year.

This Tuesday, the Special Election for Mayor to replace the disgraced Bob Filner is an opportunity for Hispanics to flex a little voting muscle.

In our Nov. 1 editorial we endorsed Mike Aguirre for Mayor. You can find the editorial and our rationale for this endorsement on the web at:

We believe that Aguirre has the experience, the independence, and the intelligence to be an effective leader of the City. An equally important aspect about Aguirre is that he is not beholden to any special interest group. This is a double edge sword. Yes, he is free from the encumbrances of being beholden to any one group, yet at the same time, he misses out on the millions of dollars that are being spent on behalf of the other candidates by those special interest groups.

Unfortunately for Aguirre, money is the ‘mother’s milk of politics’ without which his chances of winning the election is next to nil. The fact that Aguirre has been able to interject himself into this race on will power alone is a testament to his abilities as a politician.

Yet, in today’s world, will power is not enough. The choices left are Kevin Faulconer as the Republican choice for mayor. David Alvarez is strongly supported by millions of dollars from the Unions. Nathan Fletcher has been a little schizophrenic about his political leanings but is supported by billionaire Qualcomm founder Erwin Jacobs.

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The choices are clear: it is up to you the voter to decide which camp you feel comfortable with and to vote for your candidate. Again the important thing is that you vote, not just for the sake of this election but because your vote will be noted and the fact that you took the time to vote will have an impact on future elections. Politicians will be more cognizant of the growing Hispanic impact at the polls.

By voting, not only are you voting for the next mayor but you are also voting for the future of the Hispanic community by proving that we show up at the polls!

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